- When are Revel’s charging stations open?
- How do I locate a Revel charging station?
- What level of charging do Revel stations support?
- Why are there so many blue cars at the Superhub?
- Does Revel support Level 2 charging?
- Are there any amenities at or near Revel sites?
Payment and Pricing
Charger Troubleshooting
Toyota/Lexus Charging Program
- How do I sign up for the charging discount?
- I got a new car, will I still receive my discount?
- I saw the success screen on sign up, but I was charged full price.
- I saw the success screen on sign up, but I don’t see my discount in my charging account.
- How do I access my discount?
- What should I do if I encounter an error while linking my account?
Uber Driver Charging Partnership
- How do I sign up for the charging discount?
- I got a new car, will I still receive my discount?
- I saw the success screen on sign up, but I was charged full price.
- I saw the success screen on sign up, but I don’t see my discount in my charging account.
- How do I access my discount?
- Will my discount be updated if my Uber reward tier changes?